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Friday, 20 July 2012

Constructors and destructors

Constructors are special methods, used when instantiating a class. A constructor can never return anything, which is why you don't have to define a return type for it. A normal method is defined like this:

public string Describe()

A constructor can be defined like this:

public Car()

A constructor can call another constructor, which can come in handy in several situations. Here is an example:

public Car()
    Console.WriteLine("Constructor with no parameters called!");

public Car(string color) : this()
    this.color = color;
    Console.WriteLine("Constructor with color parameter called!");


Since C# is garbage collected, meaing that the framework will free the objects that you no longer use, there may be times where you need to do some manual cleanup. A destructor, a method called once an object is disposed, can be used to cleanup resources used by the object. Destructors doesn't look very much like other methods in C#. Here is an example of a destructor for our Car class:
Once the object is collected by the garbage collector, this method is called.


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