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Monday, 10 October 2011

Page title, Simple Headings, Paragraphs

Page Title

The title is the most important element of a quality web page. The title allows people to know what they are visiting and represents the page.
When search engines add your website to their database, they add the title as what you see when searching for what you want.
Page titles are very useful for letting your guests know just what is on your website. There can only be one title per page, so only the first code read containing the title will be shown. In order
to add a title use the following code:
<TITLE>this is the title</TITLE>

Simple Headings

There are six different simple headings that can be used (H1 to H6). Of the six different headings, <H1> produces the biggest, and <H6> produces the smallest.

Different Headers are as shown below

From the above heading tags used, See below figure how it appears on your web page:

You can also center the headings by using the align attribute, as you can see here:
<H1 ALIGN="center">This is the centered Heading</H1>

Your Text will appear on the centre of the webpage as shown in below figure :


Paragraph tag holds a large group of text on your content it's automatically creates space before and after the paragraph. 
It start with <p> tag and ends with </p> tag.

They can be created by using the following code:
<P>This is a paragraph.</P>
<P>This is a second paragraph.</P>

 Let me take an example considering the Heading tags and Paragraph and run the output for our code.


<TITLE>Example Page</TITLE>

<H1 ALIGN="center">Example using Header tag and Paragraph tag </H1>
<H2>About HTML</H2>
<P>HTML, which stands for HyperText Markup Language, is a markup language used to create web pages. The web developer uses "HTML tags" to format different parts of the document.</P>
<P>For example, you use HTML tags to specify headings, paragraphs, lists, tables, images and much more.</P>



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